Project update — 15 Dec 2020
ASTRABAT, SAFELiMOVE, SOLiDIFY and SUBLIME have formed the cluster of the research initiatives funded under the EU LC-BAT-1-2019 call. The four projects will help each other promote their results on the development of next generation batteries
“Unity creates strength” is a well-known statement applicable to all fields in life and society, including research on energy-storage technologies. This is the spirit which brought ASTRABAT, SAFELiMOVE, SOLiDIFY and SUBLIME together to establish the cluster of the research projects funded under the LC-BAT-1-2019 call of the EU Horizon 2020 programme.
The four projects will organise joint events and communication campaigns, and promote each others’ results and achievements. The goal is to make the voice of European research on batteries resonate louder, thus creating stronger impacts on society and facilitating the uptake of the projects’ findings.
More information on the LC-BAT-1 Cluster and the member projects is available in the “Fellow Projects” section of the project page. The cluster’s activity can be followed on social media with the hashtag #LCBAT12019.
All four projects are 3.5 years long and started within 5 months of each other in 2020. They have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 875029, 875189, 875557 and 875028, respectively.