Newsletter — 01 Feb 2022
Read the first joint newsletter of the #LCBAT12019 Cluster
The European Union is facing immense challenges towards an ecologically sustainable and economically stable Europe. To tip the balance in favour of a decarbonised Europe based on E-mobility, new battery technologies are considered as an essential piece of this puzzle. Under the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020, numerous calls for proposals focus on different aspects of battery research. One of these is the LC-BAT-1-2019 call, which addresses the global interest in solid state batteries as an alternative battery technology to ensure higher performance, but also inherently safe batteries. The projects under this call, ASTRABAT, SAFELiMOVE, SOLiDIFY and SUBLIME, have formed a cluster. Thanks to synergies across the projects, a higher level of impact, beyond individual project level, will be reached, contributing more strongly to the adoption of the next generation of electromobility in Europe.
Meet the projects and discover their first results!
View the #LCBAT12019 Cluster joint newsletter in your web browser